
Showing posts from January 10, 2016

Extraordinary Discourse 260

Extra! Extra! to Zo-Zo by Steve Slavik the world is a thrift store where you don’t know what you want until you see it— an ill-arranged litter of calico cats & spotted dogs cars & fire-engines people tall & short skinny & fat black-, brown-, or blonde-haired hydrants, kerbs, trees giraffes & hippopotami people hawking onto the sidewalks peeing on the walls making their ways to jobs they love or hate in the mornings and back to homes they love or hate in the evenings movies, concerts, plays, operas songs, books, & banks— libraries & grocery stores. the world’s a thrift store just waiting for you to poke your way about to ferret out what you want— you won’t know it until you see it— and you have to grab it immediately coz it won’t be there tomorrow & the prices are always just right & the same for everybody: everything costs you your life to get out the door. but maybe someone sees you & you’re exac...