
Showing posts from 2021

Extraordinary Discourse 531

This’ll Dig Ya In The Intellectual Ribs       The real underlying currency of our world is not gold, nor bureaucratic fiat, nor even military might. The real underlying currency of our world is narrative, and the ability to control it. Everything always comes down to this one real currency. If you look at what all these think tanks, NGOs, media outlets and grant making networks that billionaires pour their money into actually do, it ultimately boils down to controlling the dominant stories that people tell about what’s going on in their world. Caitlin Johnstone  

Extraordinary Discourse 530

Flying In The Teeth I want to go ahead of Father Time with a scythe of my own. H. G. Wells        

Extraordinary Discourse 529

Part Of This Garden Is The Real World     I dreamed of reality: what a relief to wake up. Stanislaw Lec            

Extraordinary Discourse 528

Morning. Wisdom Is At The Window         "Approfondissement"   is a French word that means "playing easily in the deep." Tom Robbins                

Extraordinary Discourse 527

The Human And Inhuman Condition With Bonus Yelling The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying, 'Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses.' She's got a baseball bat and yelling, 'You want a piece of me?' Robin Williams              

Extraordinary Discourse 526

Talking It Over, Getting It Across     From the beginnings of literature, poets and writers have based their narratives on crossing borders, on wandering, on exile, on encounters beyond the familiar. The stranger is an archetype in epic poetry, in novels. The tension between alienation and assimilation has always been a basic theme. Jhumpa Lahiri  

Extraordinary Discourse 525

Glimpses And Highlights Meet On A Train     There are many, many nouns for the act of looking - a glance, a glimpse, a peep - but there's no noun for the act of listening. In general, we don't think primarily about sound. So I have a different perspective on the world; I can construct soundscapes that have an effect on people, but they don't know why. It's a sort of subterfuge. Walter Murch 

Extraordinary Discourse 524

This Instead      Few people have the imagination for reality.  Goethe          

Extraordinary Discourse 523

From The Funny To The Very Serious     I've learned quite a lot, over the years, by avoiding what I was supposed to be learning. Margaret Atwood          

Extraordinary Discourse 522

Deep Air Quotes       You can't change who you are, but you can change what you have in your head, you can refresh what you're thinking about, you can put some fresh air in your brain. Ernesto Bertarelli      

Extraordinary Discourse 521

All The Time In The World For The Small Stuff I am reading six books at once, the only way of reading; since, as you will agree, one book is only a single unaccompanied note, and to get the full sound, one needs ten others at the same time. Virginia Woolf                

Extraordinary Discourse 520

Morning at the Enantiodrome            

Extraordinary Discourse 519

New Morning Train Of Thought Creativity is that marvelous capacity to grasp mutually distinct realities and draw a spark from their juxtaposition. Max Ernst            

Extraordinary Discourse 518

Trophies From A Voice Hunt To research this You’re Not Listening , I interviewed people of all ages, races, and social strata, experts and non-experts, about listening. Among the questions I asked was: “Who listens to you?” Almost without exception, what followed was a pause. Hesitation. The lucky ones could come up with one or two people, usually a spouse or maybe a parent, best friend, or sibling. But many said, if they were honest, they didn’t feel like they had anyone who truly listened to them, even those who were married or claimed a vast network of friends and colleagues. Others said they talked to therapists, life coaches, hairdressers, and even astrologers—that is, they paid to be listened to. A few said they went to their pastor or rabbi, but only in a crisis. Has Listening Become a Lost Art? Kate Murphy

Extraordinary Discourse 517

A Path For Metanoiacs   ...the lapis [philosopher's stone] is not just a 'stone'... the philosopher... says "the wind hath carried it in its belly.” Therefore "wind is air, air is life, and life is soul." Jung, Psychology And Alche my