Extraordinary Discourse 001

Extraordinary Discourse 001

Hello everyone. I offer a thought adventure, around an hour a week. It is eclectic, multi-voiced, many-themed, but the central theme is Play.

I collected and produced audio since my first tape recorder around 1963. The power of spoken word and voice. Digital audio came my way around 1998.  Digitizing and cleaning up my analog collection--reels and cassettes-- took years, meanwhile I hunted and gathered and cherry-picked through audio media online. The highlighter deciding what cherries to take or texts to envoice came from extraordinary experiences around age 30.
Two of the greatest creative aspects of digital audio were the shuffle, and real silence. I gathered useful entertainment for thinkers and seekers for 30 years, in clip form. Utterance jewels. Figurines of speech. I made associational documentaries, some of which I will deliver here later on. For this project, Extraordinary Discourse, I tried to automate creative possibility by inviting the random to deal the mix, and adding random heckling. Randomicity in the mix increases the potential for new thought through the sometimes hilarious, sometimes amazing power of juxtaposition.  xx
Each podcast is introduced by an organized postmodern metalogue, to give you a sense of this art/documentary form.
Some clips are from old radio, Those of you older than the digital generation will recognize ghost stations and sometimes static-- think of an old dial radio on a bad night. Think of it as a campfire crackling behind the talk. I just did not want to sacrifice some of these treasures. xx
A big picture can be sensed behind the eclectic mix-- try a few episodes. I hope to impregnate you via the ear. I hope to meet you in the long commute, or out along the river with your dog-- or anywhere else!
Best wishes, Jack Saturday


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