Extraordinary Discourse 005

So by making this connection with Eliot and the idea of bricolage, via Northrop Frye, Jack Saturday is placing his work in the tradition of modernist art, which tends (amongst other things) to exchange the more purely and intensely personal insights of the Romantics for a fragmentary arrangement or collage of disparate voices, viewpoints and styles. But he also offers another quote, from the politically radical "news dissector", television producer and independent filmmaker Danny Schechter, who in turn quotes the Canadian filmmaker Peter Wintonick:

Filmmaker Peter Wintonick (Manufacturing Consent and other films) calls on all media workers to promote the new digital revolution. He calls for a fight against the "apocalyptic, mega-media locusts; old Hollywood; old Fictive Fantasy; Old Reality; Old News: Old World, Old Vision; Old In-humedia: Old Disembodied corporate dreams." He wants a "multi-logue" not a monologue. And so do many of us.
Edward Picot
The Hyperliterature Exchange


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