Extraordinary Discourse 014

Documentary Lego

The name smartMeme is inspired by a vision of grassroots change agents collaboratively creating and unleashing memes designed to challenge assumptions and change destructive stories. The smart implies both effective and networked: memes that are born from and spread through people-powered collaboration. Our movements desperately need smarter memes that encapsulate and popularize stories with the creative power to point us toward a more democratic, just, peaceful, and ecologically sane future
Vision -- How You Can Use 'SmartMemes' to Win Campaigns, Build Movements, and Change the World
PM Press
By Patrick Reinsborough and Doyle Canning

Today let me offer a celebration of Changesurfer Radio, produced and hosted by the technoprogressive bioethicist and sociologist Dr. James Hughes of Hartford College, Connecticut, founder of the Institute For Ethics and Emerging Technologies (IEET).

Have a listen to cutting-edge ideas from speculative thinkers as Dr. J presents "a sexy, high-tech vision of a radically democratic future."



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