Extraordinary Discourse 041

Jack’s Intellectual Romp Show

Behind the scenes in the era of neoliberalism,  neoconservatism.

#ows, Doctors Smoke Camels, child abuse, Prometheus, lions, and much more!

When issues like sampling and mixing are taken far enough they could even transform radio as we know it. Techniques from media pioneers and artists have seeped into mass media almost unnoticed. They probably will continue doing so. Already many documentaries on both television and radio are on the edge of what was once journalism. I am not saying straightforward journalism will disappear. I do think however that under the influence of what is called an 'information overload' and developing technologies not only how music evolves changes, also our representations of the world will change. Narrative will not disappear of course: some of it will just become more complex, sometimes close to ethereal.
Josephine Bosma
Sun, 27 Sep 1998

"Jung called Joyce and Picasso 'two great initiators, masters of the fragmentation of esthetical contents and accumulations of ingenious shards'"
Dierdre Bair


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